Legal information


Site published by SAS, an ESUS-accredited company with share capital of 448,390 euros RCS Bobigny: 792 791 329 Registered as a training organisation with the DIRECCTE Ile-de-France under number 11 93 06676 93. This registration does not constitute government approval.

Person responsible for the publication

Frédéric Bardeau can be reached on inbox (at) simplon (point) co


OVH, a simplified joint stock company whose registered office is at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix and whose telephone number is 0820 698 765.

Design, development, integration and deployment

Mindblow SAS Communication Agency Lyon 23 Boulevard des belges 69006 Lyon Contact: contact [@] SIRET: 92011742100015 Tel: 06 24 06 24 80

Personal data and privacy policy

The personal data collected on this site is processed by SAS and its subsidiaries. The forms on our site enable us to facilitate your registration for the training courses presented on the site. You can choose not to provide us with data, but some of it is necessary in order to register you or to contact you before you register. The personal data collected is brought to the attention of the recipients of the forms, within the regional departments and head office teams. The personal data collected is kept for a period of five (5) years. This data processing is carried out on the legal basis of the performance of our contractual obligations and your consent sought by In terms of security: please note that your data is stored on servers located in Europe, that access to our premises is secure, and that all our employment contracts, our contracts with our service providers and our commercial contracts have been updated to include our obligations as subcontractors or joint data processors within the meaning of the RGPD. To exercise these rights or if you have any questions about the processing of your data on our site, you can contact us via or by post For the attention of the Data Protection Officer – – 55 Rue de Vincennes – 93 100 Montreuil If, after contacting us, you feel that your rights with regard to Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties have not been respected or do not comply with the data protection rules, you can submit a complaint to the CNIL.